Progress partnered with Capital Metro in order to reshape their online presence and meet the evolving needs of a rapidly growing city.
Capital Metro has an ongoing mission to improve people’s experience using public transportation in Austin. Beginning in 2014, we’ve conducted numerous, ongoing user experience research studies and partnered with skilled design and advocacy teams to make it happen.
Our field research took us to bus stops and rail stations in Austin and Leander to talk to hundreds of people about how they use Capital Metro transit, its website and its app. This gave us a solid understanding of riders’ needs, which informed future redesign efforts.
We then provided foundational and iterative usability testing for our UX design partners and Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing to use in a complete web redesign and app overhaul. The final redesign incorporating this rich research launched in 2017.
“Progress clearly explained the usability concerns. It was obvious they did their research and got to know the product prior to testing. They were kind and gentle with participants as well as breaking the news to the development team. The presentation deck was put together very well - they offered great examples for how things could be improved.”
How User Research Can Work For You
We get to know the actual people you want to use your product. We observe, interview and interact with them in their environments to learn what would really work. This invaluable insight gives your design a sure direction.